Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I think the title means "today" and it's a perfect example why learning Spanish is useless if you want to know French - in Spanish today is "hoy" and pronounced with a silent h. Easy. I don't even know where to begin with "aujourd'hui."

Musée d'Orsay

Anyway, today was my first day at work (mostly administrative stuff, if you think beuracracy is bad in the US, come to France), but I didn't have a full day, so I left mid-afternoon to do some sightseeing. I popped over to the Museé d'Orsay, which is only a couple stops on the metro from where I am. For those of you who may not know, this museum has nearly every impressionist painting you have ever seen reproduced (well, not really, but it sure seems like it). It's kind of weird seeing paintings that you have seen pictures of over and over. And then taking your own pictures of them.

Fritillaires couronne impériale dans un vase de cuivre

Afterward, I grabbed an Affligem blonde at a cafe and watched a guy on a bike get hit by a car. Hard. It even shocked the Parisians. He's still alive, but I think he had a broken leg, probably some ribs too - I didn't stick around to watch him get loaded into the ambulance. It was his fault though (riding in the crosswalk against the light), and of course he wasn't wearing a helmet.

Funniest sight today: You know how when cops in the US are together, invariably one of them grabs a bunch of doughnuts? Well, it's the same in France, except one of the cops brings a bunch of yogurt.


Laura said...

It's pronounced "oh-jore-dwee"!

Lolly said...

I liked that museum because it felt like I was in a college dorm room.

Kara said...

Aujourd'hui is the name of the restaurant in the Four Seasons in Boston, now I know what it means! Thanks for the french lesson!