Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Last night Ann and I went out to see The Bad Plus at the Regattabar. They are a pretty kick-ass piano trio that has been getting a lot of press lately - mostly for the fact that they play some unconventional covers. Last night's encore was Iron Man by Black Sabbath, and it was excellent. I've never heard anyone bang on a piano that hard and I believe the drummer was certifiably insane - he was smacking the cymbals with his bare hands.

What I was wondering the entire time I was listening was "where were these critics when MMW was playing 'Crosstown Traffic' in 1995?" Besides that minor quibble, the show was great, and I definitely recommend catching these guys if you can. I picked up their first album at the show, and it is well worth it. I love buying CDs at shows - usually they are cheap, I don't have to pay sales tax, and I think that more of the proceeds find their way to the artists. Enough rambling for now...

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

In 27 years
I've drunk fifty thousand beers & they just
wash against me like the sea into a pier.....

-David Berman

Monday, March 22, 2004

This spam is just about the funniest thing I've read in a long time:

From ???@??? Mon Mar 22 20:18:41 2004

From: "Thespians O. Careering"
To: Dan
Subject: Up to 80 pnceret off on meedication only here, Dan.
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 17:16:36 -0800

Of whom do I have the honour? :)
Of all base passions, fear is the most accursed.
Dan, searching for a place to purchase medicatiGoFn?
Premium ViagDbra and Cialakis
Fast weight (inculpable motley) loss and antidepressant meedication!
Best cost on ValiutZm and XanaJZx
Exceptional deals, 80 pecrent off!
We are able to ship wolrdwide

Your easy solution is here:
You are absolutely anonymous!
Part of courage is simple consistency.
Any port in a storm.

I think I'm changing my name to Thespians O. Careering.
Back to school...back to prove to dad that I'm not a fool.

For those of you who I may not have told, I'm going back to Dartmouth to get my Ph.D. in Immunology next fall. So if you don't hear much out of me in the next 5-6 years, that's where I'll be.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

This article is an important read - it's written by an ousted member of Bush's bioethics panel. I think it's safe to say the Dubya is the most anti-science president in American history.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

God Hates Shrimp! Makes you wonder if the evangelical Christians are living by all parts of the bible, or just the gay bashing parts.