Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ted Leo

Ted Leo has a new song that is probably the best war protest song since Masters of War. Check it out here: Bomb.Repeat.Bomb. Just a great song to crank up and piss off any neoconservatives in earshot.

Looks like I have to add Living with the Living to the long list of new and not-so-new albums I need to buy (Arcade Fire, Grandaddy, Loose Fur, Beck, Sonic Youth). I did pick up Built to Spill's latest and the new Shins recently. The Built to Spill is great, I mean, it isn't anything earth-shattering, but if you like their previous stuff, it is good. The Shins took a few listens to get into, but now I am really digging it. A bit more complicated musically than their earlier stuff (not that it is Amnesiac or anything).

1 comment:

Jake said...

I grabbed the new Arcade Fire on eMusic, and it's great. A bit darker than Funeral.

Thanks for the Ted Leo tip.