Wednesday, December 07, 2005

4 more minutes of ads...

Maybe you have seen that Apple is adding TV shows to the iTunes store. At $2 a pop for a fairly low resolution video, I'm not really interested in buying any, but I did notice something interesting. Law & Order episodes available for sale average about 44min in length. However, if you go back in time and check out old Knight Rider episodes, you'll see that they average 48min. Both of these shows were shown in an hour of real time, so it looks like NBC has added 4 minutes of commercials to the average hour of television in the last 20 years. At this rate, in 220 years, the entire hour will be ads! And the networks wonder why they are losing viewers to HBO and DVDs.


Anonymous said...

Ryan and I were just talking about the pattern of commercials too. The last ones of the show are always the longest. Someone else also mentioned that during Oprah the spacing of commercials is 15m, 10m, 5m, 3m. Closer together throughout the show. Interesting...

I'm happy we have Tivo!

Dan said...

Yeah, I'd like to get Tivo, but it isn't in the cards right now. And if I had the extra money, I would go HD before Tivo anyway.