Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Are you autistic?

Wired news has an autism quiz on their web site. I got a 21, which is above average, but way below 32 which is where most people with autism score.

I mainly took the test because Ann is always telling me I have autistic traits. Now I have proof that she is mostly wrong!


Anonymous said...

Quien es mas nerdy? Morrill o Mielcarz?

I got a 14.

Adam said...

Lyn will love this . . . I got a 25.

Anonymous said...

Ry4an often tells some story about the high rate of autistic behaviors among computer programers. Apparently due to this there's a increasing incidence of autism among children in Silcon Valley.

Doug said...

I always knew I had issues...30.

Anonymous said...

I got an 11. I answered "strongly disagree" to "I would rather go to a library than a party" since after spending every workday in a library, who wouldn't want to party? But what's more important is that Simon Baron-Cohen, the author of the test, is Sasha Baron Cohen's brother. Cultural learnings of internet test for make glorious research of British psychologist!

Anonymous said...

I got a 12...but that should not surprise you!