Monday, April 03, 2006

Fantasy baseball

I've joined a fantasy baseball league that a guy in my program is running this year. Here's my team, in case you want to cheer on my players.

Active Players:

Reserve Players:

The way it works is you get points for hits, home runs, walks, RBIs, runs and stolen bases for hitters and wins, Ks, saves and innings for pitchers. There are a couple things that cause you to lose points. For hitters, strikouts and being caught stealing; for pitchers walks, blown saves, earned runs, losses and wild pitches. And you have the reserve players in case someone on your team gets hurt or uses steroids or kills someone so you have a ready replacement.

I didn't really know what I was doing during the draft, so I kind of screwed up with my starting pitchers - most of the other teams have at least two legitimate aces, I only have one (Carpenter). I do have one of the better infields in the league and maybe the best relievers (if Foulke indeed has his act together this season), so maybe I can work a trade. If you'll notice there are no Yankees on my team. That was the only hard and fast rule I had during the draft - I never wanted to be in a position where I have to want a Yankee to do well. Maybe it makes me a weaker team, but there are some things you just can't compromise on.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Yeah, he killed my team yesterday though. He's gotta lay off the strippers.