Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fugly Tap Handle

This is the ugliest tap handle I've ever seen:

"...contemporary adults who visit bars, taverns, pubs and restaurants this spring will be greeted by the beer's eye-catching tap marker - a brightly colored, sunglasses-wearing orange that sports a spiked-wheat hairstyle." (source)

Can Anheuser-Busch make a Witbier that tastes worse than Blue Moon? We'll see, I guess.


Anonymous said...

I am waiting for Heineken to come out with a witbier...it will be awesome!!!

Jake (well, really Doug)

Anonymous said...

I love Blue Moon!

Dan said...

I still think we should have got jake that 3 liter bottle of Heineken. And mad him drink it.

Jake said...

If you got me that 3 liter I wouldn't have shared at all. THEN who would be laughing? That's what I thought.

(I like that Doug only leaves comments when he can work in The Heineken Joke. Even though it isn't a very funny joke, I appreciate the effort.)